Vinyl: singler
Anathema: We are the Bible. Peaceville Records, 1994 (1994). CC6. ☠
At the Gates: Gardens of Grief. Peaceville Records, 1994 (1994). CC7. ☠
Brutal Truth: Machine Parts +4. Bones Brigade, 1996 (2007). BB 034. ☠
Dawn Ray’d: Wild Fire. Action Now!, 2021 (2021). AN005. ☠
Dead Kennedys: Too Drunk to Fuck. Cherry Red Records, 1981 (1981). Cherry 24. ☠
Depeche Mode: Blasphemous Rumours : Somebody. Mute Records, 1984 (1984). 7 BONG 7. ☠
Division Speed: Blazing Heat. High Roller Records, 2015 (2015). HRR 431. ☠
Dr. Shrinker: The Eponym. Extremely Rotten Productions, 1990 (2023). ERP073. ☠
Entombed: But Life Goes On : Demo. —. 1989 (?). —. ☠
Exekrator: Superstitionis maleficiae. View Beyond Records, 2002 (2004). —. ☠
Flare, The: Stardead. Horror Records , 2016 (2016). HOR 047. ☠
Fleurety: Fragmenta Cuiusvis Aetatis Contemporaneae. Aesthetic Death, 2017 (2017). ADEP 005. ☠
G.G.F.H.: Welcome To The Process : Too Much Punch. Peaceville Records, 1994 (1994). CC8. ☠
Gnags: Kærester. Genlyd Grammofon, 1985 (1985). GENS 1028. ☠
Grift: Vilsna Andars Utmark. Nordvis Produktion, 2022 (2022). NVP146. ☠
Hagen, Nina: Zarah : Ich weiss es wird einmal ein wunder geschehn. CBS Schallplatten, 1983 (1983). CBSA 3687. ☠
Jaded: Jaded. —, 1998 (1998). ☠
Kanonenfieber: Füsilier, Der. Avantgarde Music / Noisebringer Records, 2024 (2024). AV467LP / NBR005. ☠
Kanonenfieber: U-Bootsmann. Noisebringer Records/Avantgarde Music, 2023 (2023). NBR009/AV494P. ☠
Køter, Sune: To my melting love. Melting Love Records, 2010 (2010). MLR 003. ☠
Lifvsleda: Lifvspänn. Norma Evangelium Diaboli, 2022 (2022). NED058. ☠
Morbid Angel: Nevermore. Season Of Mist, 2011 (2011). SOM 222E. ☠
My Dying Bride: Sexuality Of Bereavement. Peaceville Records, 1994 (1994). CC5. ☠
Napalm Death: Nazi Punks Fuck Off. Earache Records, 1993 (1993). MOSH 92. ☠
Nupta Cadavera: Nupta Cadavera. Nattetale, 2019 (2019). Pirates press ANTI-GOTH 457. ☠
Procession of Headless Angels: Yer Universal Tombworld. Deadbangers Productions, 2016 (2016). db21. ☠
Seremonia: Rock’n’rollin Maailma. Svart Records, 2012 (2012). SVR135. ☠
Slægt: Black Bombs. Ván, 2019 (2019). Ván273. ☠
Steel Inferno: Arcade Warrior. —, 2014 (2014). —. ☠
tv·2: Hele verden fra forstanden : Evelyn. CBS Records, 1985 (1985). CBSA 6807. ☠
Uro: Revolutions romantik. Kick n’ Punck Records, 2002 (2002). ☠
Varukers, The: Nothing Changed EP. Weird Records, 1994 (1994). WEIRD 005. ☠
Kreator / Lamb Of God: 666 – World Divided : Checkmate. Nuclear Blast, 2020 (2020). NB 5466-1. ☠
New Blood from the Forearms of Peaceville. The Peaceville Group / Deaf Records / Dreamtime recording / Major Records / Peaceville Records, 1990 (1990). VILE 1 / KTB 1 / DEAF ! / WADES 1. ☠
Rite, The / Bezwering: The Tower Fiend / Lijf Noch Lijk. Headkick Music, 2022 (2022). HKM002. ☠