CD rytmisk: G

G.G.F.H.: Eclipse. Dreamtime, 1991 (1991). KTB 2 CD / RTD 344 40692.

Galge: Løkkelig. -, 2021 (2021). -.

Gallhammer: Dawn of…, The. Peaceville Records, 2007 (2007). CDVILEF 147.
Gallhammer: Ill innocence. Peaceville Records, 2007 (2007). CDVILLEF169.

Gasolin: Black box, The. Sony Music Entertainment, 2003 (2003). COL 513876 2.

Gatas Parlament: Apocalypso. Norges Rap og Småtaggarlag / Tee Production, 2008 (2008). N 50078-2.
Gatas Parlament: Counter Strike. MBN / Tee Productions, 2008 (2008). N 50066-2.
Gatas Parlament: Dette forandrer alt. Noregs Rap og Småtaggerlag / Tee productions / EMI, 2011 (2011). 5099908514127.
Gatas Parlament: Fred, frihet og alt gratis!. Tee Productions, 2004 (2004). TEECD 0014.
Gatas Parlament: Holdning over Underholdning. Tee Productions, 2001 (2001). Teecd 010.
Gatas Parlament: Kidsa har alltid rett. MBN / Tee Production, 2008 (2008). N 50067-0.

Genfærd: Blodhævn. —, 2020 (2020). MPXX.
Genfærd: Genfærd. Winterwolf Records, 2015 (2015). —.

Genghis Tron: Board up the house. Relapse Records, 2008 (2008). RR 6789-2.

Ghost Bath: Moonlover. Northern Silence Productions, 2015 (2015). NSP 133/NSP 133-DG.
Ghost Bath: Starmourner. Northern Silence Productions, 2017 (2017). NSP 150 / NSP 150-DG.

Gnags: På vej. Elap / Polygram Records, 1973 (1996). 46616CD / 552 138 2.

Gogol Bordello: East infection. Rubric Records, 2005 (2005). RUB 037.
Gogol Bordello: Gypsy punks : Underdog world strike. Side One Dummy, 2005 (2005). SD1271.c
Gogol Bordello: Live from axis mundi. SideOneDummy Records, 2009 (2009). SD1407-2.
Gogol Bordello: Pura vida conspiracy. Casa Gogol Records / ATO Records / PIAS Cooperative, 2013 (2013). ATO 1981.
Gogol Bordello: Solidaritine. Cooking Vinyl / Casa Gogol, 2022 (2022). COOKCD837.
Gogol Bordello: Super taranta!. Side One Dummy, 2007 (2007). SD1334-2.
Gogol Bordello: Trans-continental hustle. American Recordings / Sony Music, 2010 (2010). 88697 45965 2.
Gogol Bordello: Voi-la intruder. Rubric Records, 1999 (2002). RUB 38.

Gojira: From Mars to Sirius. Listenable Records, 2005 (2009). POSH 124.
Gojira: L’enfant sauvage. Roadrunner Records, 2012 (2012). RR7651-5.
Gojira: Link, The. Listenable Records, 2003 (2005). POSH 067.
Gojira: Magma. Roadrunner Records, 2016. RR7479-2.
Gojira: Terra Incognita. Listenable Records, 2001 (2009). POSH121.
Gojira: Way of All Flesh, The. Listenable Records, 2008 (2008). POSH 107.

Gorilla Angreb: Gorilla Angreb. Feral Ward, 2006 (2006). YAN-030.

Grave: As Rapture Comes. Century Media , 2006 (2006). 77611-2.
Grave: Into The Grave. Century Media, 1991 (2001). 77388-2.

Grind Inc.: Executed. Morbid Records, 2005 (2005). MR112.

Guddommelig Galskab: Greatest shit 1998-2009. Melting Love, 2009 (2009). CD MLR 002.

Guns n Roses: Appetite for destruction. Geffen, 1987 (1987). GED 24148 / GEFD 24148.

Guthrie, Woody: Ultimate collection, The : 51 ground breaking recordings. Prism Leisure Corp., 2002 (2002). PLATBX 2234.